Friday, Jan 18, 2008, 2:38 PM in Tools
Configuring VS08 to Debug .NET Framework Source
Shawn Burke has released the details to set up VS08 to debug into the .NET Framework source code, including the following assemblies:
- mscorlib.DLL
- System.DLL
- System.Data.DLL
- System.Drawing.DLL
- System.Web.DLL
- System.Web.Extensions.DLL
- System.Windows.Forms.DLL
- System.XML.DLL
- WPF (UIAutomation*.dll, System.Windows.DLL, System.Printing.DLL, System.Speech.DLL, WindowsBase.DLL, WindowsFormsIntegration.DLL, Presentation*.dll, some others)
- Microsoft.VisualBasic.DLL
Others are coming. Thanks, Shawn!