I'm with Scott -- I Love Monad

I fell in love w/ the potential of monad a while ago w/ Jeffrey Snover's original Channel9 video, but I was too lazy to download it onto all of my machines. However, after seeing Jeffrey's talk at TechDays 2006 in Switzerland (and remembering that monad is installed by default w/ the WinFX SDK, so it was already on all my machines), I took the dive (starting with kiping Jeffrey's personal copy of "Monad," from ORA, Andy Oakley's most excellent monad intro) and I've been doing it pretty much non-stop on the train and on the plane all the way home. Like Scott, I'm loving it.

I've built several scripts, including start-process (to act like cmd.exe's "start" command -- invoke-item doesn't work on URLs), find-file, find-filebytext, find-dir and format-notepad. So far, no luck on format-clipboard, i.e. dropping the results of an operation into the clipboard, but I'm having a blast trying.

Monad is the command line I've missed so much from my ex-life under Unix. Give it a try! You'll love it.