Q. Why is VB.NET considered truly object-oriented? And why was VB 6.0 not considered to be so?

Asked by reader. Answered by the Wonk on November 5, 2002


VB6 is considered “object-based” because it supports classes and objects but not inheritance. Inheritance allows a class to get fields and methods from a base class, like this sample in VB.NET:


' Base class

Class Dog

  Public Sub Bark()


  End Sub

End Class


' Derived class

Class BigDog

  ' Inherit all members from base class Dog

  Inherits Dog


  ' Add new member

  Public Sub EatCat()


  End Sub

End Class


Module App

  Sub Main()

    ' Create an instance of the derived class

    Dim fido As BigDog = New BigDog()


    ' Call a method from the base class


  End Sub

End Module


Inheritance is a powerful feature of reuse, allowing you to factor shared functionality between classes into a base class, reusing them in specific derived classes. While there are other new object-oriented features new to VB.NET, inheritance, long present in languages like C++ and Java, is the key new feature in VB.NET that makes it object-oriented instead of object-based.


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